Come & Try it Local Event Massy’s Wood

Hellfire Woods & Massy’s Estate (Kilakee)

Date(s) - 12/11/2017
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Hellfire Woods & Massy's Estate (Kilakee)


On Sunday the 12th of November 2017 Setanta Orienteers are hosting a non-league come and try it event at Massy’s Estate. The event will be signposted from Stocking Lane.
Start times will be between 10am-1pm and the courses will close at 2.30pm.

Parking around Hellfire Woods gets very congested every weekend so please make use of our early start if possible. Please car pool if you can and kindly follow the car parking marshals instructions, parking will be on forest road at top of Hellfire Woods car park.

Registration will be at top of car park and registration fee’s will be
Adults €8
Juniors/O.A.P’s/Students €4 per map
Family rate €20 2xadults and children
No charge for S.I hire (timing device but don’t lose it please) Electronic Sportsident timing will be used.

The starts will be located in the lower forest in Massey’s Woods so please be careful crossing the road.
There will be three courses on offer

There will be three courses on offer, the Map Scale is 1:7500

Long – Experienced Orienteers – 5.6km, 19 controls, 310m climb
Medium – Novices – 2.7km, 15 controls, 110m climb
Short – beginners – 1.6km, 8 controls, 90m climb

The short course is ideal for beginners and small children. The medium course is suitable for novices who wish to have a more challenging course than the short course. If you feel like you wish to run through the woods rather than just on the paths and tracks, then the medium may be for you. Both the short and medium courses will have control descriptions in English. The long course is more suitable for more experienced competitors. Both the short and medium courses are solely based in Massey’s Woods but the long course will cross the road and be in both Hellfire and Massey’s woods (again please be careful crossing the road).

Don’t forget to download after your event and some light refreshments will be waiting after your run at registration.

Any Scout Leaders thinking of bringing a group of Scouts, please contact the Organiser in advance in order to get an idea of numbers.

Planner: Eileen Walsh

Controller: Eileen Walsh

Organiser: Melanie Walsh (